Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Geography assesment 9033

Title: Why Manukorihi and Waitara Golf Courses should amalgamate to form one Club

Key Question: which golf course of the two is more appropriate to form the one course at. Manukorihi or Waitara.
Photos: manukorihi golf course bottom right hand corner adjacent of wills road. waitara golf course adjacent of Waihi road middle top of image.

Primary sources: I will gather peoples addreses and map and graph ditribution patterns on a large scale map of the Taranaki region. I will gather these from nzgolf.com. 

How: I will go onto the internet and gather members names then use a online phone book to find addresses and tally chart the common areas. These areas will be towns with a golf course- Urenui, Bell Block, New Plymouth, Inglewood, Waitara and Opunake. I intend to find out why these people go to either the Manukorihi or Waitara Golf courses instead of their local golf courses and whether if These two golf courses combined to find one would the Waitara Tikorangi area would benefit. 

Secondary Sources: I intend to ask the Manukorihi and Waitara golf club Members, club captains and presidents on their views on the Golf Courses amalgamating. i will also gather land value and large Area maps from the New Plymouth District Council 

Possible Problems: Time restraints, A lack of information, another problem may be that with these plan still in progress people may not want to give me the information as it is in the best interest of both clubs to keep it under wraps.

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